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Rutherford, J.F., Enemies Watch Tower,
(0.00)Hardcover,Very Good- Yellow-gold boards with emobssed shield, sword and helmut; gold title lettering; embossed sword on spine; color illustrations; some underlining and writing on pages; tight spine.
Ryan, Marah Ellis, A Flower of France Rand McNally & Company,
(0.00)Hardcover,Good- Burgandy boards with gilt lettering on front cover and spine; front cover has embossed flowers; some damage to top of spine; water marks on top of book; yellowing pages; previous owner's name on fep; front board starting to loosen; otherwise pages are intact with color illustrations. ''Prologue. The Insurrection. The golden light of morning crept through the pale curtains of vapor that were spread over the bayous north of Orleans Island. The awakening beams gilded the gray-green festoons of moss-draped, century-old cypresses, and touched caressingly the white-winged herons that rose softly from shadowy wood-depths and took silent flight outward and upward in the October air.''
Safire, William, Sleeper Spy Random House,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Stated First Edition; black boards with black tape binding; gold embossed design on front cover with author's initials; gold foil lettering on spine; dj is protected with Brodart cover; pages are clean and spine is tight. ''A master sleeper spy, assimilated into American life for twenty years, has been made operative and given control of the vast financial assets of the old KGB -- and has disappeared with the fortune. His reputation is deadly, and his manipulation of enormous wealth begins to alter the world's political and finanical structure. Although the old KGB has been dismantled, new KGB bosses and old KGB hard-liners bent on reinstating the old guard's lethal techniques are determined to find the sleepr. And so is the world's greatest reporter, Irving Fein.'' -- from the dj
Safire, William, Sleeper Spy Random House,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Stated First Edition; black boards with black tape binding; gold embossed design on front cover with author's initials; gold foil lettering on spine; dj is protected with Brodart cover; pages are clean and spine is tight. ''A master sleeper spy, assimilated into American life for twenty years, has been made operative and given control of the vast financial assets of the old KGB -- and has disappeared with the fortune. His reputation is deadly, and his manipulation of enormous wealth begins to alter the world's political and finanical structure. Although the old KGB has been dismantled, new KGB bosses and old KGB hard-liners bent on reinstating the old guard's lethal techniques are determined to find the sleepr. And so is the world's greatest reporter, Irving Fein.'' -- from the dj
Saint, H.F., Memoirs of an Invisible Man Atheneum,
(0.00)Hardcover,Very Good- Light blue boards, slightly faded, with dark blue tape binding; blue lettering on spine; dj has some chips and dings and is protected with a Brodart cover. ''Nick Halloway, a perfectly ordinary man, had planned a better-than-ordinary day: a short trip out of town to attend a press conference at a small technology firm a beautiful young woman for company, a light lunch, and a long, romantic cafternoon and evening. Then everything goes wrong. There is a protest demonstration; someone throws a switch; an explosion follows; and when Nick regains consciousness several hours later, he discovers that he and everything around him have become utterly invisible.: -- from the dj
Salls, Betty Ruth, Death is No Dead End Moody Press,
(0.00)Hardcover,Very Good- Orange boards with black lettering on spine; dj is not price clipped and is protecte with a Brodart cover; ex-library copy. ''Betty and Lawrence Salls had been married for twenty-five years. They were enjoying a vacation in the mountains, when Lawrence became sick. Forty-five days later, the Lord said no to all their prayers for the husband's life, and Lawrence Salls died, following a cancer operation.'' from the dj
Sanders, Lawrence, Guilty Pleasures G.P. Putnam's Sons,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Red boards with red tape binding; gold lettering on spine; dj not price clipped and protected with Brodart cover; 310 pages. ''Only Lawrence Sanders could have created this saga of a famly that breaks all the rules -- both God's and man's. Moving from the seventies to the nineties, 'Guilty Pleasures' invites readers into the affluent arena of shocking acts and stunning revelations that is the world of the South Florida Folsby clan.'' -- from the dj
Sanders, Lawrence, The Eighth Commandment G.P. Putnam & Sons,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Grey boards with black tape binding; gold foil lettering on spine; dj is not price clipped and is protected with a Brodart cover; some yellowing edges and a few dings on the dj. ''Vintage suspense spiked with the master's touch. Llust and luxury clash with a vengeance in a tale of murder and venality among the New York rich.'' -- from the dj
Sanders, Lawrence, The Seventh Commandment G.P. Putnam & Sons,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Gray boards with red tape binding; silver lettering on spine; clean pages; tight spine; minor shelf wear to dj, which is now protected with a Brodart cover. ''When Hartford insurance snoop Dora Conti comes to New York to investigate the violent street murder of a jewelry magnate, she discovers a 'Sodome on the Hudson,' where intimacy is measured in carats and kilos, and greed is the fast food of love.'' - from the dj
Sanderson, Brandon, Words of Radiance (The Stormlight Archive, Book 2) Tor Books,
(0.00) 1st Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Red boards with gold foil lettering on spine; dj is not price clipped and is protected with a Brodart cover; stated First Edition. ''Six years ago, the Assassin in White, a hireling of the inscrutable Parshendi, assassinated the Alethi king on the very night a treaty between men and Parshendi was being celebrated. So began the Vengeance Pact among the highprinceses of Alethkar and the War of Reckoning against the Parshendi'' -- from the dj
Sandford, John, Chosen Prey G. P. Putnam's Sons,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Burgandy boards with black tape binding; red foil letting on spine; red ''JS'' on front cover; dj is not price clipped and is protected with Brodart cover. ''He desires women. All kinds, all shapes, all sizes. He would fix on a woman and build imaginary stories around her. Some of the women he knew well, others not at all. Most of them faded quickly. Only a few became objects of desire.'' -- from the dj
Sandford, John, Mortal Prey G.P. Putnam & Sons,
(0.00)Hardcover,Very Good- Black quarter cloth over gray boards; silver lettering on spine; JS on front board, dj is not price clipped and is protected with Brodart cover. ''Years ago, Davenport almost died at the hands of Clara Rinker, a pleasant, soft-spoken, low-key southerner, and the best hit woman in the business. Now retired and living in Mexico, she herself nearly dies when a sniper kills her boyfriend, the son of a local drugloard, and while the boy's father vows vengeance, Rinker knows something he doesn't: The boy wasn't the tart -- she was -- and now she is going to have to disappear to find the killer herself.'' -- from the dj
Sandford, John and Ctein, Saturn Run G.P. Putnam's Sons,
(0.00) 1st Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Pictorial boards with an acrylic cover; dj is not price-clipped; stated full number line; remainder dot on bottom; previous owner's name and initials on ffep. ''In 2066, a Caltech intern notices an anomaly from a space telescope -- something is approachingSaturn, and decelerating. Space objects don't decelerate. Spaceships do.'' -- from the dj
Sangster, Margaret E., Eleanor Lee Fleming H. Revell Company,
(0.00)Hardcover,Good- Dark green boards with gold embossed lettering and flowers; some fraying to spine ends; pages are yellowing and spotted with age; previous owner's name on fep; 322 pp. ''In writing the story of elanor Lee, I have shown a woman true in the stress of trying circumstances to an old-fashioned ideal, a women whom adversity did not embitter, and whose fidelity did not waver under any temptation. When womanhood is at once sweet and steadfast, it attains a high nobility, and this I have tried to illustrate in the evry-day life of an every-day heroine.'' from the Foreward.
Santlofer, Jonathan, Color Blind William Morrow & Company,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Black boards with black tape binding; blue lettering on spine; slight sticker residue on dj; dj protected with Brodart cover. ''When two hideously eviscerated bodies are discovered and the only link between them is a bizarre painting left at each crime scene, the NYPD turns to former cop Kate McKinnon, the woman who brought the serial killer the Death Artist to justice. Having settled back into her satisfying life as art historian, published author, host of a weekly PBS television series, and wife of one of New York's top lawyers, Kate wants no part of it.'' -- from the dj
Sayles, Shirley, Step-By-Step Stitchery Golden Press,
(0.00)Soft cover,Very Good- A Complete Introduction to the Craft of Stitchery. ''This exciting, richly illustrated book presents the craft of stitchery, or ''painting with yarn.'' From the back cover. Very clean copy.
Scholes, Ken, Antiphon Tor,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Brown boards with silver lettering on spine; dj is not price clipped and is protected with a Brodart cover; stated First Edition with full number line. ''The ancient past is not dead. The hands of the Wizard Kings still reach out to challenge the Androfrancine Order, to regain control of the magick and technology that the monks sought to understand and claim for their own.'' -- from the dj
Scholes, Ken, Canticle Tor,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Black boards with gold foil lettering on spine; dj is not price clipped and is protected with a Brodart cover; stated First Edition with full number line. ''Nine months ago, the power and wealth of the now-dissolved Androfrancine Order passed into the hands of Rudolfo, General of the Wandering Army and Lord of the Ninefold Houses. Nine months ago, his consort, Jin Li Tam, told him that she was finally with child and he would have an heri. Nine months ago, Rudolfo and Isaak began the arbuous rask of transcribing the books and records from the devastated city of Windwir that were stored in the memories of the mechoservitors, and collecting whatever books remained in the Named Lands into a new Great Library.'' -- from the bj
Scholes, Ken, Lamentation Tor,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Rose colored boards with gold foil lettering on spine; dj is not price clipped and is protected with a Brodart cover; stated First Edition with full number line. ''An ancient weapon has completely destryoed the Androfrancine city of Windwair. From many miles away, Rudolfo, Lord of the Ninefold Forest Houses, sees the horrifying column of smoke rising. He knows that war is coming to the Named Lands.'' -- from the dj
Scholes, Ken, Requiem Tor,
(0.00) First Edition, Hardcover,Very Good- Burgundy boards with silver lettering on spine; dj is not price clipped and is protected with a Brodart cover; stated First Edition with full number line. ''When we left the Named Lands at the ned of 'Antiphon,' our main characters were scattered between the earth, sea and sky.'' -- from the dj
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